
Top Books for Teens

300+ Frequently-Recommended and Favorite Historical fiction for teens

Author NameBook TitleYearAge LevelThemeSetting
AR level
ChinuaAchebe Things Fall ApartTeenfiction
DouglasAdamsThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy1979Generalscience
RyunosukeAkutagawa Rashomon and Other Stories1920Teenfiction
(short stories)
LloydAlexanderThe Illyrian Adventure1986Middlefiction
IsabelAllendeThe House of the SpiritsTeenfiction
DavidAlmond Kit's Wilderness2000Middlefiction
DavidAlmond Skellig 1999Middlefiction
RudolfoAnaya Bless Me, Ultima1972Generalfiction
Laura HalseAnderson Speak2001Teenfiction
Laurie HalseAnderson Fever 1793 2000Middlefiction
MayaAngelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings1970Generalbiography
MayaAngelouThe Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou1994Generalpoetry
[Beatrice Sparks]
Go Ask Alice1976Teennonfiction
and Irene
In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust RescuerMiddlenonfiction 1945
KatherineArnoldiThe Amazing "True" Story of a Teenage Single Mom1998Teennonfiction
LindaAtkinson In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah Senesh 1921-19441985Teenbiography
MargaretAtwoodThe Handmaid's Tale1986Generalfiction
Jean M.Auel Clan of the Cave BearGeneralfiction
JaneAusten Pride and Prejudice1816Generalfiction 11.3
Brian FlocaAvi True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle1990Teenfiction 7.2
Brian FlocaAvi Nothing but the Truth: A Documentary Novel1991Middlenonfiction
Brian FlocaAvi� Poppy1995Middlescience
NatalieBabbitt Tuck Everlasting1975Middlefiction 6.3
James A.Baldwin Go Tell It on the Mountain1953Teenfiction
JoanBauer Hope Was Here2000Teenfiction
JoanBauer Rules of the Road1998Teenfiction
Melba PatilloBeals Warriors Don't Cry1994Generalfiction
Melba PatilloBeals Warriors Don't Cry [abridged]1994Middlefiction
ElizabethBerg Joy School1997Generalfiction
ElizabethBerg Talk Before Sleep1994Generalfiction
Francesca LiaBlock [1] Weetzie Bat1991Teenfiction
Francesca LiaBlock [2] Witch Baby1992Teenfiction
Francesca LiaBlock [3] Missing Angel Juan1995Teenfiction
Francesca LiaBlock [4] Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys1993Teenfiction
Francesca LiaBlock Violet and ClaireTeenfiction
EdwardBloor Tangerine1998Teenfiction
Joan W.BlosA Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's JournalMiddlefiction
JudyBlume Just as Long as We're Together1987Middlefiction 4
JudyBlume Then Again, Maybe I Won't1971Middlefiction
JudyBlume Tiger Eyes1981Teenfiction 4
RayBradbury Fahrenheit 451 Generalfiction 9.8
RayBradburyThe Martian ChroniclesGeneralscience
Marion ZimmerBradleyThe Mists of Avalon1985Generalfiction
Carol RyrieBrink Caddie Woodlawn1935Middlefiction
CharlotteBronte Jane Eyre18xxTeenfiction 10.3
EmilyBronte Wuthering Heights18xxTeenfiction 9.9
BruceBrooksThe Moves Make the Man1984Teenfiction 5.9
Frances HodgsonBurnett Secret Garden1987Middlefiction 7.5
Octavia E.Butler Parable of the SowerTeenfiction
BetsyByarsThe Summer of the Swans1971Teenfiction 5.2
AlbertCamusThe StrangerTeenfiction
Orson ScottCard Ender's Game1985Generalscience
VeronicaChambers Mama's Girl1997Generalfiction
StephenChboskyThe Perks of Being a WallflowerTeenfiction
AliceChildressA Hero Ain't Nothing but a Sandwich1973Teenfiction
SandraCisnerosThe House on Mango Street Middlefiction
BeverlyCleary Dear Mr. Henshaw1984Middlefiction 4
PennyColeman Corpses Coffins and Crypts: A History of Burial Generalnonfiction
Christopher and James LincolnCollier My Brother Sam Is Dead1974Middlefiction
BillyCollins Sailing Alone Around the Room1999Generalpoetry
Jane LeslieConly Crazy Lady!1994Middlefiction
CarolineCooneyThe Voice on the Radio 1996Teenfiction
Caroline B.CooneyThe Face on the Milk Carton1990Teenfiction 6
CarolineCooneyThe Ransom of Mercy Carter2001Teenfiction
SusanCooperThe Grey King [Dark is Rising, Book 4]1986Middlefiction
RobertCormier Frenchtown Summer2000Generalfiction
RobertCormier After the First Death1979Teenfiction
RobertCormier Beyond the Chocolate War1986Teenfiction
RobertCormierThe Chocolate War1974Teenfiction 6
RobertCormier Heroes1998Teenfiction
RobertCormier I am the Cheese1977Teenfiction 8.5
RobertCormier Tenderness: A Novel1998Teenfiction
RobertCormier Tunes for Bears to Dance to1992Teenfiction
RobertCormier We All Fall Down1991Teenfiction
AudreyCouloumbis Getting Near to Baby2000Middlefiction
SharonCreech Walk Two Moons1994Middlefiction
ChrisCrutcher Whale Talk2001Teenfiction
PhilipCurtis Bud, Not Buddy1999Middlefiction
Christopher PaulCurtisThe Watsons Go to Birmingham, 19631995Teenfiction
KarenCushman Catherine, Called Birdy1994Middlefiction
KarenCushmanThe Midwife's Apprentice 1995Middlefiction
RoaldDahl Boy: Tales of Childhood1988Teenautobiography
Antoinede Saint-ExuperyThe Little Prince1943Middlefiction
Sarah Dessen Dreamland 2000Teenfiction
KateDiCamillo Because of Winn-Dixie2000Middlefiction
CharlesDickens Great Expectations18xxGeneralfiction 9.5
CharlesDickensThe Personal History of David Copperfield18xxGeneralfiction 9.8
CharlesDickensA Tale of Two Cities18xxGeneralfiction 9.2
PeterDickinson Eva1989Middlefiction
EmilyDickinsonThe Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson1960Generalpoetry
MichaelDorrisA Yellow Raft in Blue Water1987Generalfiction
FyodorDostoyevsky Crime and Punishment1870Teenfiction 10.5
FrederickDouglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick DouglassTeenautobiography
Sharon M.Draper Tears of a Tiger1984Teenfiction
LoisDuncan Killing Mr. Griffin1990Teenfiction 6.4
LoisDuncan Stranger with my Face1981Teenfiction
LoisDuncanThe Third Eye1984Teenfiction 7.2
Allan W.Eckert Incident at Hawk's Hill1972Middlefiction 7.5
RalphEllison Invisible ManTeenfiction
BuchiEmechetaThe Bride PriceGeneralfiction
Sylvia LouiseEngdahl Enchantress From the Stars1970Middlefiction
LauraEsquivel Like Water for Chocolate
(Como agua para chocolate)
NancyFarmerA Girl Named Disaster1997Middlefiction
ZlataFilipovic Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo1994Teennonfiction
F. ScottFitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby1922Teenfiction 9.1
FannieFlagg Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Caf�1987Generalfiction
SharonFlake Skin I'm InMiddlefiction
PaulFleischman Whirligig1999Teenfiction
PaulFleischman Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices1988Middlepoetry
RalphFletcher I am Wings: Poems About Love 1994Teenpoetry
EstherForbes Johnny Tremain1944Middlefiction
PaulaFoxThe One-Eyed Cat1985Middlefiction 6.2
BetsyFranco (Ed.) You Hear Me?: Poems and Writings by Teenage Boys2000TeenPoetry Anth.
AnneFrankThe Diary of a Young Girl1967Teenautobiography9.2
Lucy / E.R.Frank Life is Funny 2000Teenfiction
RussellFreedman Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery1994Middlebiography
RussellFreedman Lincoln: A Photobiography1988Middlebiography6.3
RussellFreedman Martha Graham, A Dancer's Life1998Teenbiography
JeanFritz Homesick: My Own Story1983Middlefiction 5.9
RobertFrost You Come Too: Favorite Poems for Young Readers1975Middlepoetry
MonicaFurlong Wise Child1987Middlefiction
MonicaFurlong Juniper1991Teenfiction
ErnestGainesA Lesson Before Dying1993Teenfiction 1940
PaulGallicoThe Snow Goose1941Middlefiction
JackGantos Joey Pigza Loses Control2001Middlefiction
GabrielGarcia Marquez One Hundred Years of SolitudeGeneralfiction
Jean CraigheadGeorge Julie of the Wolves1973Middlefiction 6.4
Jean CraigheadGeorge My Side of the Mountain1960Middlefiction 5.9
FredGipson Old Yeller1957Middlefiction 5.8
WilliamGolding Lord of the Flies1959Generalfiction
WilliamGoldmanThe Princess Bride1987GeneralFairy Tale
NadineGordimer July's PeopleTeenfiction
Elizabeth JanetGray Adam of the Road1942Middlefiction 7.4
JanGreenberg Chuck Close, Up Close1998Teenbiography
BetteGreeneThe Summer of My German Soldier1973Middlefiction 6.1
NikkiGrimes Jazmin's Notebook 1998Middlefiction
JohnGunther Death Be Not Proud1949Generalbiography8
Margaret PetersonHaddix Just EllaMiddlefiction
AlexHaley RootsTeenfictionalized
VirginiaHamilton In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World1989Middlefiction
EdithHamilton Mythology1940Generalmythology
LorraineHansberryA Raisin in the Sun1958Generaldrama
NathanielHawthorneThe Scarlet Letter1850Generalfiction 11.5
Torey L.Hayden Murphy's Boy1983Teennonfiction
Torey L.Hayden One Child1981Teennonfiction
Le LyHayslip When Heaven and Earth Changed Places: A Vietnamese Woman's Journey from War to PeaceGeneralautobiography
JosephHeller Catch 221985Generalfiction
ErnestHemingwayA Farewell to ArmsGeneralfiction
MargueriteHenry Misty of Chincoteague1948Middlefiction 4.1
JamesHerriot All Creatures Great and Small1972Generalnonfiction
JohnHersey Hiroshima1946Generalnonfiction 1945
KarenHesse Letters from Rifka1992Middlefiction
KarenHesse Out of the Dust1998Middlefiction
Terry SpencerHesser Kissing Doorknobs 1999Teenfiction
S.E.HintonThe Outsiders1968Teenfiction 6.7
S.E.Hinton Rumble Fish1975Teenfiction 4.9
S.E.Hinton Taming the Starrunner1988Teenfiction 7.2
S.E.Hinton Tex1979Teenfiction 7
S.E.Hinton That Was Then, This is Now1971Teenfiction 5.7
Jennifer L.Holm Our Only May Amelia2000Middlefiction
Kimberly WillisHolt When Zachary Beaver Came to TownMiddlefiction
*Homer�The IlliadGeneralfiction
*Homer�The OdysseyGeneralfiction
Lee BennettHopkins1995Middlepoetry
James�and JeanneHouston Farewell to Manzanar1973Generalnonfiction 19427.4
JamesHoweThe WatcherTeenfiction
LangstonHughesThe Dream Keeper and Other PoemsMiddlepoetry
IreneHunt Across Five Aprils1965Middlefiction 8.9
BrianJacques Redwall
(Book 1 in the Redwall series)
1990Middlefiction 7.6
FranzKafkaThe MetamorphosisTeenfiction
JackKantos Joey Pigza Swallowed the KeyMiddlefiction
DanielKeyes Flowers for Algernon1966Generalfiction 7.8
BarbaraKingsolverThe Bean Trees1988Generalfiction
Maxine HongKingstonThe Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among GhostsTeenautobiography
E. L.Konigsburg From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler1968Middlefiction 4.8
E. L.KonigsburgA Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver1975Generalfiction
DeanKoontz LightningGeneralfiction
TheodoraKroeberThe Inland Whale: Nine Stories Retold from California Indian LegendsMiddlefiction
(short stories)
JosephKrumgold And Now Miguel1954Middlefiction 6.8
AnneLamott Crooked Little Heart1997Generalfiction
KathrynLasky Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of TudorMiddlefiction
KathrynLasky Beyond the Burning Time 1994Teenfiction
HarperLee To Kill a Mockingbird1960Generalfiction 7.4
MadeleineL'EngleA Ring of Endless Light1981Middlefiction
MadeleineL'EngleA Swifty Tilting Planet1979Middlefiction
MadeleineL'EngleA Wind at the Door1976Middlefiction
MadeleineL'EngleA Wrinkle in Time1963Middlefiction
Gail CarsonLevine Ella Enchanted 1998MiddleFairy Tale
GracielaLimon Song of the HummingbirdTeenfiction
RobertLipsyteThe Contender1967Teenfiction 8
AnitaLobel No Pretty Pictures: A Child of WarMiddlenonfiction
JackLondon Call of the Wild1964Generalfiction 7.3
Federico GarciaLorca Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding; Yerma; Bernarda AlbaGeneraldrama
Bette BaoLord In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson1984Middlefiction 4.7
LoisLowry Anastasia KrupnikMiddlefiction 6.3
LoisLowry Number the Stars1990Middlefiction 5
LoisLowry Find a Stranger, Say Good-bye1978Teenfiction
LoisLowryThe Giver1993Teenfiction
LoisLowryA Summer to Die1977Teenfiction 4.8
JanetLunnThe Root Cellar1983Middlefiction
ChrisLynch Whitechurch Teenfiction
Mary MacCrackenA Circle of Children1975Generalfiction
KamalaMarkandaya Nectar in a SieveTeenfict.
JohnMarsden Letters From the Inside1994Teenfiction
JohnMarsden So Much to Tell You1989Teenfiction
JohnMarsden Tomorrow When the War Began
(#1 of 7)
VictorMartinez Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida1996Teenfiction
MarkMathabane Kaffir Boy: The True Story of a Black Youth's Coming of Age in Apartheid South AfricaTeenautobiography
HarryMazerThe Island Keeper1981Teenfiction
Harry and Norma FoxMazer Heartbeat1989Teenfiction
Norma FoxMazer After the Rain1988Teenfiction 5.4
AnneMcCaffrey Black Horses for the King1996Generalfiction
AnnMcGovernThe Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah SampsonMiddlebiography
ArthurMillerThe CrucibleGeneraldrama
MargaretMitchell Gone With the Wind1975Generalfiction 6.2
ToniMorrisonThe Bluest Eye1970Generalfiction
ToniMorrisonThe Song of Solomon1977Teenfiction
ToniMorrison BelovedGeneralfiction
FarleyMowatt Lost in the Barrens1956Middlefiction
FarleyMowatt Never Cry Wolf1963Generalnonfiction
BharatiMukherjee Jasmine1989Teenfiction
Walter DeanMyers Fallen Angels 1991Teenfiction
Walter DeanMyers Monster 1999Teenfiction
Walter DeanMyersThe Outside Shot1987Teenfiction
Walter DeanMyers Somewhere in the Darkness1992Teenfiction
Donna JoNapoliThe Prince of the Pond, Otherwise Known as De Fawg PinMiddleFairy Tale
ZoraNeale-Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God2000Generalfiction
MarilynNelson Carver: A Life in Poems2002Teenfiction
JohnNeufeld Lisa, Bright and Dark1970Teenfiction 6
Naomi ShihabNye (ed.) This Same Sky: A Collection of Poems from Around the World1992MiddlePoetry Anth.
TimO'BrienThe Things They Carried1991Generalfiction
Robert C.O'Brien Z for Zachariah1974Teenfiction 7.4
ScottO'Dell Island of the Blue Dolphins1961Middlefiction 6.4
GeorgeOrwell Animal FarmTeenfiction 8.8
Linda SueParkA Single Shard2002Teenfiction
KatherinePaterson Bridge to Terabithia1978Teenfiction 7
KatherinePatersonThe Great Gilly Hopkins1978Teenfiction
KatherinePaterson Lyddie1991Middlefiction
KatherinePaterson Jacob Have I Loved1980Teenfiction
AlanPaton Cry, the Beloved Country1948Teenfiction
GaryPaulsen Hatchet1988Middlefiction 6.1
GaryPaulsen Transall SagaMiddlefiction
GaryPaulsen Brian's WinterTeenfiction
GaryPaulsen Dogsong1986Teenfiction 5.9
GaryPaulsenThe Monument1991Teenfiction
GaryPaulsenThe River1991Teenfiction
GaryPaulsen Nightjohn1993Teenfiction
GaryPaulsen Soldier's Heart: Being the Story of the Enlistment and Due Service of the Boy Charley Goddard in the First Minnesota Volunteers1998Teenfiction
Robert NewtoPeckA Year Down Yonder2000Middlefiction
Robert NewtoPeckA Long Way From Chicago1998Middlehumor
W.RodmanPhilbrickThe Mighty
(aka "Freak the Mighty")
SylviaPlathThe Bell Jar1975Generalnonfiction
SylviaPlath Ariel1969Generalpoetry
CarolPlum-UcciThe Body of Christopher Creed2000Teenfiction
PhilipPullmanThe Golden Compass
(His Dark Materials #1)
PhilipPullmanThe Ruby in the Smoke
(Sally Lockhart #1)
EllenRaskinThe Westing Game1978Middlefiction
WilsonRawls Summer of the Monkeys1976Middlefiction 6.2
WilsonRawls Where the Red Fern Grows1961Middlefiction 5
CarolynReeder Shades of Gray1989Middlefiction
RichardRodriguez Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez1982Teenautobiography
Luis J.Rodriguez Always Running: La vida loca, Gang Days in LATeennonfiction
J. K.Rowling Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's StoneMiddlefiction
CynthiaRylant Waiting to Waltz: A Childhood1984Middlepoetry
LouisSachar Holes 1998Middlefiction
J.D.SalingerThe Catcher in the Rye1951Generalfiction
WilliamShakespeare Hamlet159xGeneraldrama
WilliamShakespeare Macbeth159xGeneraldrama
WilliamShakespeareA Midsummer Night's Dream159xGeneraldrama
WilliamShakespeare Much Ado About Nothing159xGeneraldrama
WilliamShakespeare Romeo and Juliet159xGeneraldrama
WilliamShakespeare Julius Caesar159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeareThe Merchant of Venice159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeare Othello159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeareThe Taming of the Shrew159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeareThe Tempest159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeare Twelfth Night159xTeendrama
WilliamShakespeare Shakespeare's Sonnets159xGeneralpoetry
NzokeShange For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is EnufTeendrama
DyanSheldon Confessions of a Teenage Drama QueenTeenfiction
MaryShelley FrankensteinGeneralscience
Leslie MarmonSilko CeremonyGeneralfiction
BettySmithA Tree Grows in Brooklyn
1943Generalfiction 7.5
BettySmithA Tree Grows in Brooklyn
1943Generalfiction 7.5
AleksandrSolzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich1963Teenfiction
SonyaSones Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went CrazyTeenpoetry
*Sophocles� Theban Plays: Antigone; Oedipus Rex [the King]; Oedipus at ColonusGeneraldrama
GarySoto Baseball in April and Other Stories1990Middlefiction 5.3
GarySoto Buried Onions 1997Teenfiction
Elizabeth GeorgeSpeareThe Witch of Blackbird Pond1958Middlefiction
ArmstrongSperry Call It Courage1941Middlefiction 5
JerrySpinelli Maniac Magee1991Middlefiction 6.1
Suzanne FisherStaples Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind1989Middlefiction
WilliamSteig Abel's Island1977Middlefiction 6.2
JohnSteinbeckThe Grapes of Wrath1939Generalfiction 1939
JohnSteinbeck Of Mice and Men 1937Generalfiction
ToddStrasserThe WaveTeenfiction
RosemarySutcliffe Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad1993Middlefiction
AmyTanThe Joy Luck Club1989Generalfiction
AmyTanThe Kitchen God's Wife1991Generalfiction
Mildred D.Taylor Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry1976Middlefiction
RobThomas Rats Saw God1996Teenfiction
Velma MaiaThomas Lest We Forget: The Passage from Africa to Slavery and Exhibition: A Three-Dimensional Interactive Book with Photographs and Documents from the Black Holocaust ExhibitGeneralnonfiction
Henry DavidThoreau Walden1854Generalnonfiction , poetry
J.R.R.TolkienThe [0] Hobbitt1937Generalfiction
TerryTrueman Stuck in Neutral2000Teenfiction
DaltonTrumbo Johnny Got His Gun1970Generalnonfiction
MarkTwainThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer1876Generalfiction 8.3
MarkTwainThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn187xTeenfiction 8
RuudVan Der Rol Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary: A Photographic Remembrance1993Teennonfiction 1942
CynthiaVoigt Dicey's Song1982Middlefiction 5.8
CynthiaVoigt Homecoming1981Teenfiction 5.1
CynthiaVoigt Izzy Willy Nilly1987Teenfiction 5.8
CynthiaVoigt Solitary Blue1983Teenfiction 6.5
CynthiaVoigt When She Hollers1994Teenfiction
CynthiaVoigt Jackaroo 1985Teenfiction
CynthiaVoigt On Fortune's Wheel 1990Teenfiction
CynthiaVoigt Tell me if the Lovers are Losers1982Teenfiction
KurtVonnegut Slaughterhouse Five or the Children's Crusade: A Duty Dance With Death1970Generalfiction
AliceWalkerThe Color Purple1982Generalfiction
Yoko KawashimaWatkins So Far from the Bamboo Grove1986Middleautobiography5.9
H.G.Wells War of the WorldsGeneralscience
NancyWerlinThe Killer's Cousin Teenfiction
GloriaWhelan Homeless Bird 2000Middlefiction
T.H.WhiteThe Once and Future King1939Generalfiction
E.B.White Charlotte's Web1953Middlefiction 6
RobWhite Deathwatch 1973Teenfiction 6.1
RuthWhite Belle Prater's Boy1997Middlefiction
WaltWhitman Leaves of Grass1855Generalpoetry
ElieWiesel Night1958Generalfiction
AugustWilson FencesGeneraldrama
AugustWilsonThe Piano LessonTeendrama
MaiaWojciechowska Shadow of a Bull1965Middlefiction 5.5
TomWolfeThe Right Stuff1983Generalnonfiction 1960
JacquelineWoodson If You Come SoftlyTeenfiction
JacquelineWoodson Miracle's Boys 2000Teenfiction
RichardWright Black Boy1945Generalautobiography
RichardWright Native SonTeenfiction
ElizabethYates Amos Fortune, Free Man1951Middlefiction 6
LaurenceYep Dragon's Gate1994Middlefiction 7.1
LaurenceYep Dragonwings1975Middlefiction 6.6
PaulZindel Loch 1994Teenfiction
(not all books are suitable for all ages)