Academic Vocabulary List
with links to
- abbreviate
- abstract
- according
- acronym
- address
- affect
- alter
- always
- analogy
- analysis
- analyze
- annotate
- anticipate
- application
- apply
- approach
- appropriate
- approximate
- argue
- argument
- arrange
- articulate
- aspects
- assemble
- assert
- assess
- associate
- assume
- assumption
- audience
- authentic
- background
- body
- brainstorm
- brief
- calculate
- caption
- category
- cause
- character
- characteristic
- characterize
- chart
- chronology
- citation
- cite
- claim
- clarify
- class
- clue
- code
- coherent
- common
- compare
- compile
- complement
- complete
- compose
- composition
- conceive
- concise
- conclude
- conclusion
- concrete
- conditions
- conduct
- confirm
- consequence
- consider
- consist
- consistent
- consistently
- constant
- constitutes
- consult
- contend
- context
- continuum
- contradict
- control
- convert
- convey
- copy
- correlate
- correspond
- credible
- credit
- criteria
- critique
- crucial
- cumulative
- debate
- deduce
- defend
- define
- demand
- demonstrate
- depict
- derive
- describe
- detail
- detect
- determine
- develop
- devise
- diction
- differentiate
- dimension
- diminish
- direct
- discipline
- discover
- discriminate
- discuss
- distinguish
- domain
- draft
- draw
- edit
- effect
- elements
- emphasize
- employ
- equal
- equivalent
- essay
- essential
- establish
- estimate
- evaluate
- event
- evidence
- exaggerate
- examine
- example
- excerpt
- exclude
- exercise
- exhibit
- explain
- explore
- expository
- extract
- fact
- factor
- feature
- figurative
- figure
- focus
- footer
- foreshadow
- form
- format
- former
- formulate
- fragment
- frame
- frequently
- general
- genre
- graph
- graphic
- header
- heading
- highlight
- hypothesize
- identify
- illustrate
- imitate
- imply
- inclined
- include
- incorporate
- indicate
- indirect
- infer
- influence
- inform
- inquire
- instructions
- integrate
- intent
- intention
- interact
- intermittent
- interpret
- introduce
- introduction
- invariably
- investigate
- involve
- irony
- irrelevant
- isolate
- italics
- judge
- key
- label
- likely
- list
- literal
- locate
- logical
- main
- margin
- mean
- measure
- metaphor
- method
- model
- modify
- monitor
- motivation
- narrative
- narrator
- never
- notation
- note
- notice
- objective
- observe
- occur
- opinion
- oppose
- optional
- order
- organize
- origins
- outline
- pace
- paraphrase
- participation
- passage
- pattern
- perform
- perspective
- persuade
- place
- plagiarism
- plan
- plausible
- plot
- point
- point
- portray
- possible
- preclude
- predict
- prefix
- prepare
- presume
- preview
- previous
- primary
- prior
- probably
- procedure
- process
- produce
- profile
- project
- prompt
- proofread
- property
- propose
- prose
- prove
- purpose
- quotation
- quote
- rank
- rare
- rarely
- reaction
- recall
- reduce
- refer
- reflect
- regular
- relate
- relationship
- relevant
- rephrase
- report
- represent
- representative
- request
- require
- requisite
- respond
- responsible
- restate
- results
- reveal
- review
- revise
- root
- rule
- scan
- score
- sequence
- series
- set
- setting
- show
- signal
- significance
- simile
- skim
- solve
- source
- spatial
- specific
- speculate
- stance
- standard
- state
- statement
- strategy
- structure
- study
- style
- subject
- subjective
- subsequent
- substitute
- succinct
- suggest
- sum
- summarize
- summary
- support
- survey
- symbolize
- synonym
- synthesize
- table
- technique
- term
- test
- theme
- thesis
- timeline
- tone
- topic
- trace
- trait
- transition
- translate
- typically
- unique
- utilize
- valid
- variation
- vary
- verify
- viewpoint
- voice